miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014

Google Drive

My latest activity related to Tools Web 2,0 has to do with the different uses and advantages that Google drive has to offer. We as teachers and researchers can design, share, and manage different documents with students and colleagues. I find the “forms” tool very useful and practical for a time when accurate statistical results are needed, but time should be saved for more relevant analysis. Here you are a glimpse of what I learned and anyone can do. Enjoy!

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014


Hello everybody,It is time to share one of the best tools I have learned to use: Educaplay. This software allows teachers to create fun activities that students can play with and learn from. It is time now to have fun and enrich our English… Let’s play!

domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Yakitome and Spreaker

I also got to use the program Yakitome to create audiobooks. In this opportunity, you can hear my experience regarding my early teaching practice: my thoughts, my goals, my fears, my experiences… Thanks for listening!
Audacity and Spreaker

Hello again. This time I am going to share with you a podcast I created to tell simple stories while working the pronunciation of regular verbs in past. In order to accomplish that, I learned to use Audacity and Spreaker, which are programs for creating and editing audios. I hope you enjoy it!

lunes, 9 de junio de 2014

Screencast & Youtube

Making and Editing Videos and Tutorials

Following the process, I learned how to create video-tutorials with voice-over explanations. Here is a sample of what teachers can do with a little of time, their voices, screencast, and youtube. It is time to understand that youtube can be taken further, that it is not only about watching videos others have posted, but also about producing our own and making them appealing for students to watch and learn.

I tried to design one to explain how to describe and compare in the English language. This, being my first attempt, may not be perfect, but it is definitely establishing the basis for me to go on. Watch and enjoy!  

miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014

Organizadores Gráficos

Mindomo and Gliffy

And as a creative and useful way to design mindmaps, flow charts, and presentations, mindomo has a lot to offer… Follow a few steps, and impress your audience with this colorful tool. 

And if that is not enough, here is another example of a viable way to present one's thought with Gliffy

Using Dropbox

Shared Folder, Recording, and Pics

It was time now to explore Dropbox, and to take sharing documents to the next level. It is actually amazing to see how much it can be done with a practical tool that we think we know, but it turns out, we may be undermining.

Here I am sharing a folder with a book and a booklet. The first one is Orwel’s Animal Farm, and the latter one is the CEFR by the British Council. Enjoy! 

Please, check out what I have to say about using Dropbox.

And finally, these are some of my favourite images I have captured so far.

Leave a comment! Thanks. 

Marcadores Sociales

Social Markers

Working with Diigo has been both a challenge and a rewarding experience. I can now find, store, and manage the different websites, images, texts, and so on that my students can use and learn from. This tool has turned out to be quite useful, and I am sure the more I use it, the more familiar and helpful it will be.

The following are the activities with 6 webpages and the three types of marcación

And I also created a group with some coleagues who can contribute with this learning process in diggio.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Inserción de Herramientas Web 2.0 en Clases de Inglés

Web 2.0 Technologies as an Addition to Language Classes

Web 2.0 Technologies
I must confess that thinking of Web 2.0 technologies used in education does not particularly thrill me; in fact, it actually fires my alarms that shout “Here we go again with the so-called society of knowledge that dares to think new technologies can replace professors”. 


However, I had to give them a chance and dig a little deeper to see what these tools entail.
I was rather surprised to see that many of the listed tools sounded familiar, and a good amount of them I had previously used both for personal and academic purposes. Some tools allow teachers to work with comic strips, or to present vocabulary in a fun layout, or even to inspire students to write and interact with one another using the foreign language through the web 2.0 tool. In that sense, those tools prove to be successful as an addition to the learning process, but never will they be able to replace a committed teacher whose preparation has taken years.  

As an example of a successful example of using these tools, I want to share a presentation found in Slide Share, designed by Aimee L. Maron.