domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Inserción de Herramientas Web 2.0 en Clases de Inglés

Web 2.0 Technologies as an Addition to Language Classes

Web 2.0 Technologies
I must confess that thinking of Web 2.0 technologies used in education does not particularly thrill me; in fact, it actually fires my alarms that shout “Here we go again with the so-called society of knowledge that dares to think new technologies can replace professors”. 


However, I had to give them a chance and dig a little deeper to see what these tools entail.
I was rather surprised to see that many of the listed tools sounded familiar, and a good amount of them I had previously used both for personal and academic purposes. Some tools allow teachers to work with comic strips, or to present vocabulary in a fun layout, or even to inspire students to write and interact with one another using the foreign language through the web 2.0 tool. In that sense, those tools prove to be successful as an addition to the learning process, but never will they be able to replace a committed teacher whose preparation has taken years.  

As an example of a successful example of using these tools, I want to share a presentation found in Slide Share, designed by Aimee L. Maron.